The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

My days at Penn State seem so very long ago. Yet the connection with Penn State never seems to weaken. Delta Gamma sorority sisters who are now neighbors, trips taken with alumni through Penn State Travel, attendance at Penn State bowl games...all that and more keep me connected. After 40 years of marriage, Lou and I have two children and four grandchildren. Our son Andrew joined Lou's dental practice eight years ago, and now Lou is down to one day a week. My job as office manager is gradually being absorbed by my daughter-in-law. Semi-retirement has been wonderful! It has allowed us to travel far China/Tibet, Australia/New Zealand, Egypt/Jordan, Russia/The Baltics, Argentina/Chile, throughout Europe. It's been great, and many of our trips have been with the Penn State Alumni Association. I hope life has treated my fellow Penn Staters equally well.